Our latest YouTube video shares a few techniques and strategies for small-space gardening. Whether you have a balcony or a back yard, these tips will help you get the most out of your gardening space.
We specialize in bio-intensive gardening here at Gardenerd, because we’ve never had a lot of space to work with. We’ve been utilizing several methods, and have developed our own since 1993. Use this video as a starting point if you are new to bio-intensive methods.
Find out more about Square Foot Gardening here.
Get a copy of the All New Square Foot Gardening, the updated version from the original bible we studied. (hint, we prefer the original over the updated version, but we’re old school).
Learn about Grow BioIntensive and John Jeavons’ work over nearly 50 years.
Get How to Grow More Vegetables – 9th Edition
Buy Gardening for Geeks by yours truly – it will guide you toward your best, most efficient garden yet!
Check out our blog post on the Grow BioIntensive course from 2009, with a chaser – a visit to Ecology Action’s test farm.

Dive into the world of small-space gardening and grow an abundance of produce in much less space. Save resources and the planet at the same time!