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The bees are surrounded by flowers in bloom right now. Love-in-a-mist is beautiful this time of year.

Wordless Wednesday: Change is Inevitable

Change is inevitable. We are used to seasonal changes in the garden, but permanent changes are harder to swallow. Gardenerd HQ is about to undergo some major changes as a gigantic two-story house with rooftop deck comes into being next door.

We will see a major shift: a decrease in our sun exposure, and our privacy. I’m sad, but the garden hasn’t noticed yet. So here’s some inspiration to celebrate change, whether good or bad.

Change is Inevitable – First, the Bad

The walls to the first floor already reach four feet higher than our dividing wall. The second story will sit on top of this, plus a rooftop deck, blocking about 2 1/2 hours of morning sun.
Rats have started to eat the tree kale, so we’ve started setting traps.
Aphids on kale: a sure sign that it’s time to pull the kale and change to warm/hot season crops.

Then the Good

Flowering umbels like cilantro mark the end of the herb and the beginning of a pest control partnership.
Tomatoes are setting fruit now. A change we like to see.
Sprouts for painted serpent cucumbers are up and running. It’s our first time growing them. Looking forward to how they turn out.
Our winter squashes are getting comfy under floating row cover. It’s time to uncover them and let them take over the bed.
Apple blossoms indicate a future of fall fruit.
For the first time since planting dragon fruit, we have more than one flower! We have 7. Very exciting.
Milkweed flowers are supporting life around the garden.
Tomatoes and flowers volunteer from our compost bin. We’ll let them go and see how they do.

Let’s do our best to celebrate the fact that change is inevitable. Whether your garden is changing just a little, or a lot, make the most of it while you can. Enjoy the seasonal changes and the harvest that comes with it.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sarah

    The classic LA modern box new build: 2 stories + a rooftop deck spanning every inch of the property. An old neighbor joked they were putting a Marriott in next door when the same happened to her. Sorry to see your sun go 🙁

    1. Christy

      So are we. When a friend saw the picture, they asked if it was an apartment building. It’s the size of 4 houses.

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