A Personal Note from Christy
Welcome to 2023, gardenerds.
Welcome to 2023, gardenerds.
With winter happening outside, we can bring more green into our lives (and meals) by growing microgreens.
Our guest this week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast is Rick Nahmias, the founder and CEO of Food Forward.
The term "winter garden" may sound like an oxymoron to half of the country, but for southern gardens, winter abundance is happening now.
We met with a client two weeks before lockdown in February, 2020 to convert a rose garden into a productive vegetable patch. Two years later, we revamped the whole concept and created something much better.
As folks read Garden Variety, friends have been asking for a tour of Ocean View Farms. It's the garden that inspired the novel. Our latest video takes you on a quick tour.
Our guest this week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast is Charlotte Ekker Wiggins, a fellow beekeeper and writer. We chat about her ingenious beekeeping tips, as well as her tricks for gardening on a limestone hillside.
A great question came into Ask Gardenerd this week from Kati Thompson about the best shredder for compost prep.
We're hard at work cooking for Thanksgiving over here at Gardenerd HQ. But there's always time to share the latest eye-candy from the fall garden.
When it comes to growing radishes, it may not be clear about the different between spring radishes and winter radishes. This video breaks down the difference.