Our latest YouTube tutorial comes in answer to a request for a video about seed-starting. In this video we share two different methods for starting seeds for your fall (or spring) garden. We explore the traditional seed-starting method, as well as the Grow BioIntensive method for germinating a lot of seeds in one small seed flat.
Seed-starting allows you to grow plants that aren’t available at the nursery. The world is your oyster when you grow from seed. It’s also much less expensive (a packet of seeds costs less than 1 four-inch seedling and those seeds will last for years). Check out our tips for seed-starting success:
Seed-Starting 2 Ways
For more information on seed-starting, visit these blog posts:
Seed Starting for Fall – takes you to the next steps after this video
Let’s Start All Over Again – tips on supplies for seed-starting (scroll down to Growing From Seed this Spring?)
Organic vs. Non-Organic seeds – this blog post answers the popular question

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Pingback: YouTube: Seeds Vs. Seedlings - What to Use, When? - Gardenerd
Pingback: Wordless Wednesday: Blooming Like Crazy - Gardenerd
Pingback: YouTube: Tips for Your Ideal Seed-Starting Set Up - Gardenerd
Loved the seed starting video. As you know, I’ve struggled to get my seeds to sprout. This gave me additional resources and things to try so thank you so much
Pingback: YouTube: How Should My Garden Look in September? - Gardenerd
Pingback: Wordless Wednesday: Fall Arrives - Maybe - Gardenerd
Pingback: Wordless Wednesday: Fall Gardening Time - Gardenerd
This is a nice guide Christy. Thanks for sharing and have yourself a nice weekend!