Read more about the article Podcast: Rebuilding Soil with David King
Christy chats with David King about grafting.

Podcast: Rebuilding Soil with David King

Our guest this week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week is David King of The Learning Garden. He's been on the podcast before, but we brought him back to talk about a major construction project that destroyed the Learning Garden during the pandemic.

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Read more about the article Wordless Wednesday: Summer Lovin’
The Gardenerd Test Garden is in full summer mode. Typical blight activity on the tomatoes, but everything is else going strong.

Wordless Wednesday: Summer Lovin’

? Summer Lovin' happened so fa-ast.? Well, for anxious gardenerds, summer couldn't get here soon enough. The wait between planting and harvesting feels soooo long, doesn't it?

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Read more about the article Podcast: Raised Bed Design with Catherine McLaughlin
Catherine McLaughlin chats with Christy about rookie mistakes made when building raised beds.

Podcast: Raised Bed Design with Catherine McLaughlin

On this week's Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast, we talk shop with Catherine McLaughlin, the Design Studio Principal from Farmscape about the rookie mistakes even professional landscape designers make when it comes to raised bed vegetable garden design.

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