Wildflower Field Trip: Joshua Tree – Grand Canyon & Beyond
Last week we took a wildflower field trip to see not just the superbloom in California, but the desert landscapes of Joshua Tree, Sedona, and the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
Last week we took a wildflower field trip to see not just the superbloom in California, but the desert landscapes of Joshua Tree, Sedona, and the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
Record rainfall resulted in an outburst of color and fragrance, AKA, garden glory, here at Gardenerd HQ.
Our latest YouTube video explains why something is digging up your plants. Christy shares (from personal experience) the kind of disruptions that make gardeners despair, & how to prevent them from happening.
Our guest this week is Nicky Schauder from Permaculture Gardens. We talk about her grant-funded study of the effectiveness of compost tea
Ann wrote in to Ask Gardenerd this week with a question about growing squash and melons. We offer solutions to protect plants from her turtles
The first warm day in ages graced us with its presence this week. A break in the rain gave us time to snap a few photos of what's bustin' out in the garden this spring.
Our latest YouTube video takes you on a tour of Tomatomania and our tomato seedling picks for 2023. See what's hot in tomato varieties for the coming season.
Our guest this week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast is Lisa Kivirist. She's an author of 6 books, an advocate for entrepreneurs, and is co-owner of Inn Seredipity Farm.
Our latest YouTube video shares how to use stinging nettles to your advantage. They are free food, but also have medicinal and beneficial properties for your garden.
Over winter we've been experimenting with the abundance of stinging nettles that have been proliferating at Gardenerd HQ. There are myriad ways to cook up stinging nettles, so let's explore the options.