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YouTube: Pruning Blackberries in 3 Steps

Our latest YouTube video shows you how to prune unruly blackberries before spring bud in 3 steps. We won’t say it’s easy, because…well, blackberries have thorns that catch on everything. But if you follow these steps you’ll get the job done efficiently and effectively.

Christy dons her bee suit (you’ll find out why) to prune old growth and dead canes to ready the garden for spring fruiting. If you learn how to prune properly, you’ll stimulate new growth when the weather warms up.

Pruning Blackberries in 3 Steps

Watch and learn, just in time to get your blackberries in shape for spring.

Want to grow blackberries this season? It’s easy. They don’t need much to get started, just plant a cane (a runner from a friend’s garden perhaps?) or a start from your local nursery and watch them grow.

Blackberries need SPACE! 3 feet of space between the plant and anything in front of it, and 5-10 feet between plants. Train to a trellis or wall and keep after those runners!

Other Helpful Resources

For more tips on growing blackberries, check out these blog posts:

Pruning Blackberrieshere’s a blog post with tips for pruning different types of blackberries: primocanes and floricanes

Protecting Blackberriesideas for how to keep the birds and other critters from eating your harvest

Harvesting blackberriesTips for how to know when they’re ready to pick

Proper pruning yields a bountiful harvest in spring/summer

And one more thing…

In the video we announce the return of Gardening for Geeks. Get your copy today at these locations. Want an autographed copy? Come of one of our Los Angeles book launch parties. The first one is at Diesel Bookstore in the Brentwood Country Mart on Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Join us!

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