Podcast: Be An Eco Hero With Tessa Wardley
Our guest this week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast is Tessa Wardley, a former global environmental policy consultant, and current policy advisor to the UK’s Department of the Environment.
Our guest this week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast is Tessa Wardley, a former global environmental policy consultant, and current policy advisor to the UK’s Department of the Environment.
Spring is in the air, even though some places still have snow on the ground. There was a nationwide heat trend earlier this week, where folks suffering from frigid temperatures were suddenly shedding their jackets. Spring is just around the corner for most, and for some the garden is in full-tilt production. Here's some inspiration for the week.
We all have limited space for tomatoes, and given the abundance of options (there are more than 600 varieties of heirloom tomatoes alone!) deciding which to grow can be like…
Our guest this week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast, we chat with Kevin Espiritu of Epic Gardening.
Back in November, heading into the winter of the pandemic, we were crazy busy installing new gardens. Our client in West Hollywood wanted to turn their front yard into a productive vegetable garden. Out with the lawn, in with the front yard mini farm!
In case you haven't noticed, we're out to change the common opinion about radishes. This recipe for Parmesan Roasted Winter Radishes should do the trick.
As our winter garden passes its peak, we take you on a winter 2021 garden tour before we harvest too much from it. In this video we share some of our tricks and tips for growing bio-intensively, and highlight some of the new and favorite varieties we grow.
This week a question came in to Ask Gardenerd about controlling leaf miners and leaf rollers on citrus trees. We'll explore the options to solve the issue.
We've been using a trick to help clients fix most citrus tree problems for more than a decade. You'll find it in Christy's new book, Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden, but we decided to give you a sneak peak in this week's video.
Our first guest of 2021 is Carmen Eldridge. She and her husband Tripp are the full-time farm directors at The Arden Agrihood, a 5-acre community farm in Palm Beach, Florida