YouTube: Field Trip to The Little Farm

Back in 2014, we took a field trip to The Little Farm, a 2 acre private residence in the Valley in Southern California. Clive Segil is a rare fruit grower, and he transformed his sloped parcel into a jam packed, productive jungle with a menagerie of livestock and fruit trees. In our latest YouTube video, we return to see what has changed since we were there last.

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Read more about the article Wordless Wednesday: Win Some, Lose Some
Yes, it's supposed to look like that.

Wordless Wednesday: Win Some, Lose Some

I don't know about you, gardenerds, but the pest population here in Los Angeles has exploded this spring/summer. We're experiencing rats like never before (emboldened by our absence over 2020, no doubt). White flies are absolutely everywhere, and leaf hoppers are abundant.

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Read more about the article YouTube: Best Seeds to Save – Seed Saving for Beginners
Best Seeds to Save for Beginners

YouTube: Best Seeds to Save – Seed Saving for Beginners

"What are the best seeds to save for beginners?" asked one of our YouTube subscribers. Seed saving is a huge topic, and it can be overwhelming. So we were happy to do this video on Seed Saving for Beginners to narrow the search to just a few types of plants from which to save seeds.

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Podcast: The Ecological Gardener with Matt Rees-Warren

Our guest this week is Matt Rees-Warren, author of The Ecological Gardener: How to Create Beauty & Biodiversity from the Soil Up. He chats with Christy from his home in England about how we can reduce plastic, conserve resources, and create ecosystems in our gardens.

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Read more about the article Wordless Wednesday: Late Spring Garden Excitement
Cuban oregano - a gift from a neighbor at the community garden.

Wordless Wednesday: Late Spring Garden Excitement

It's right about the time when tomato plants look like they're doing something, and we start to see fruit on squash and cucumber plants. Exciting times, gardenerds. All that work is about to pay off. Let's take a moment to enjoy the progress in our gardens, and savor the late spring garden excitement.

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