Wordless Wednesday: Fall Renewal
It's hard to write about gardening with the news of the Las Vegas massacre and Tom Petty's death, but here's a little fall gardening sunshine to help soothe the soul.…
Homegrown Goji Berries
Our first year of growing experimental goji berries comes to a close and we actually have something to show for it. Some readers may recall that we won two goji…
Use Up That Basil
Get this great pesto recipe to use up the basil in your garden this fall
Sprouting Seed Potatoes
White potatoes get a bum wrap, but they are the most delicious tuber to grow in your own backyard. Not only that, they are easy and fun to grow, especially…
Damping Off – What to do?
The most exciting thing in the garden this time of year is the ritual of starting seeds for fall, but nothing bursts your bubble like damping off. What is damping…
Field Trip: Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello – Pt. 3 – Knowledge Passed Down
During my time at the Heritage Harvest Festival at Monticello, I took a few classes. It was more like I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off,…

Field Trip: Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello – Pt. 2 – Veggies and Fruits
Now for the good stuff: specific crops grown at Monticello. Some of these veggies and fruits date back to 1774 when Jefferson first planted the crop. We brought home a…