Our first video of 2018 answers the many questions we’re received about how to thin seedlings and what is thinning to begin with. In this YouTube video you’ll learn two techniques for thinning: how to snip away extras from established seedlings, and how to transplant baby seedlings to a new home without disrupting seedlings you want to leave behind. Check it out here:
How to Thin Seedlings
To see proper thinning in action (or not) read these posts below:
Grow Rainbow Carrots – see a good example of what happens when you don’t thin enough.
A Fall Thinnings Salad – don’t let those thinnings go to waste. If you snip them off you can still eat them.
When do I Harvest my Root Crops? – properly thinned parsnips (with 3 inches between plants) will yield fat roots that will keep all season.
So don’t be afraid to thin your seedlings. Your plants will grow faster and yield more for your efforts. Be sure to like the video and subscribe to learn great tips and tidbits for growing a successful organic vegetable garden.

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Pingback: YouTube: Transplanting Sprouted Seedlings with Success
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Hi Christy,
Thank you for your wonderful carrot seedling video. I did not know you could transplant seedlings and have always tossed them!
I have an unrelated question:
Where did you get your compost bins which I can see your sweet cat sleeping on in the background? I have one of these which I bought many years ago and am trying to find another one….without success. Any ideas? Many thanks! Paula Waxman
Oh, Paula, you share the plight of every savvy composter. The BioStack composter was made by Smith and Hawkin and disappeared from production when they went out of business. For a time, the City of Los Angeles was selling them through their monthly subsidized bin sales, but supplies depleted once S&H closed. I saw the writing on the wall and went with my husband (who had a different address at the time) to the bin sale and got two more for a complete set of three, just before they ran out. The fourth I was lucky enough to find out on the curb one day just last month. Couldn’t believe my luck! I’ve had friends find them on Craigslist or Ebay. If you ever see one, grab it. Most people don’t know how valuable they are.