Our latest YouTube video shares tips on how to harvest lima beans, either fresh or dry. These beans are delicious either way, and they’re easy to grow.
Christy shares a few tricks and key traits to look for in order to know when to harvest these beans while they’re fresh. She also gives you the telltale signs for harvesting dry beans.
Harvesting Lima Beans – Fresh or Dry
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Garlicky Fresh Christmas Lima Beans with Thyme – One of our favorite ways to serve fresh butter beans
Lima Bean, Barley, and Vegetable Soup – use dry butter beans in this recipe. Christmas limas add an extra chestnut-y flavor.
Need help shelling and storing your dry beans? We’ve got a video for that here.

If you’re afraid of this hearty bean, don’t be! They’re delicious and creamy in soups, stews, and as a stand-alone side dish. They’re also one of few beans that can be Low FODMAP in small amounts. Give them a go.