It’s honey harvesting time and we documented our latest harvest so you can see how it’s done. We provide visual aids in this video for our favorite way to get bees out of the super you plan to harvest. We show you our harvesting equipment (handmade by our friends at, and our other favorite tools to use during the process.
Homegrown honey is the best. It’s wild, it’s treatment-free and it’s raw. No heating, no filtering, just crushed and strained to get out the wax. It doesn’t get better than this.
Honey Harvesting Tricks for Home Gardeners
For more information about honey, beekeeping and harvesting on a small scale, check out these blog posts:
Oh Sweet Goodness: First Honey Harvest
Biodynamic Beekeeping with Michael Thiele
Natural Beekeeping Conference Review
Bee Hive Rescue – Fascinating Stuff!

I’m new to beekeeping. We bought a flow hive and are taking classes before we get the actual bees. I’m not familiar with a term used in your video – “robbing” – what’s that?
Robbing is when bees from another hive (or wasps) come to steal the honey from your hive. Some colonies are aggressive and it can be a big problem. We don’t have that situation in our community, so we feel comfortable putting our equipment outside for the bees to clean up.