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The Gardenerd Test Garden is in full summer mode. Typical blight activity on the tomatoes, but everything is else going strong.

Wordless Wednesday: Summer Lovin’

? Summer Lovin’ happened so fa-ast.? Well, for anxious gardenerds, summer couldn’t get here soon enough. The wait between planting and harvesting feels soooo long, doesn’t it?

It’s like waiting for water to boil, watching those green orbs turn yellow, orange, and red. But it’s finally here for those who planted tomatoes in March! Here’s some inspiration to get you through the waiting period, and to celebrate the harvest.

Lovin’ the Summer Harvest

Tomato Harvest
Nikolayev Yellow Cherry makes up the bulk of the harvest right now, with Jaune Flamme (orange, far right) and Tigerella (top and above JF – we make a few cents if you use that link) close behind. Bronze Torch (lower center) is living up to its name. We’re picking a few on the early side to keep rats from getting them. They ripen well on the kitchen counter.
nectarines safe under netting
Our nectarines are safe under netting. Stay tuned for a video that shows the contraption we invented to keep the squirrels away.
asparagus 2nd year
Second year asparagus holds promise for next year’s harvesting free-for-all.

Almost Ready

volunteer spaghetti squash
This volunteer spaghetti squash is turning color. Soon it will be ready to harvest.
miniature white cucumbers
It’s exciting to see the miniature white cucumbers setting fruit and flowering. This one will be ready to pick in a few days.
Our Stowell’s Evergreen sweet corn is taller than the office next door. We’re counting down the days (18-21 to be specific) before they will be ready to harvest. Do you know the signs to look for? Listen to this week’s podcast with Christy for the Tip of the Week that gives you the low-down.

Just Getting Started

Orange Bell pepper wordless wednesday
Orange bell pepper just setting fruit. This one takes a while to turn color, so we’re not holding our breath.
watermelon wordless wednesday
Watermelons are just setting fruit now. We also planted seeds for more.
yard long beans flowering
Our yard long beans started flowering this week. In a week or so they will be 24″ long.
bush lima beans wordless wednesday
In the same bed, Henderson’s bush lima beans are setting fruit. We love to cook these both fresh and when dried.

Whether you are just planting now, or already reaping the benefits, enjoy this summer lovin’ as much as you can. Don’t let rats, squirrels, and other critters get you down. Harvest early, protect your crops, and enjoy the process.

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