You are currently viewing Wordless Wednesday: Harvest Time
Gold Dust is this year's winning tomato. And a yellow cherry volunteer keeps on giving. Also featured: Pink Vernissage, Jaune Flamme,, Stupice, and Berry's Crazy Cherry.

Wordless Wednesday: Harvest Time

It’s harvest time! The garden is delighting us with abundance as we head into August. Tomatoes, peppers, tomatoes, onions, tomatoes, squash…did I mention tomatoes? Yea, that’s happening. Here are some photos celebrating summer in all its glory.

Hendersons Bush Lima harvest
Henderson’s bush lima beans area great when eaten fresh. We made this soup with them.
Wordless Wednesday Fuji apple
Our Fuji apples are almost ready. Maybe next month.
Wordless Wednesday Artichoke flower
One last artichoke is flowering. We’ll see if it produced seeds.
Wordless Wednesday Red Fife wheat
Our home-grown harvest of Red Fife Wheat is small, but we’re excited to make bread with it.
Wordless Wednesday Tomato Harvest
Gold Dust is this year’s winning tomato. And a mystery yellow cherry volunteer keeps on giving. Also featured: Pink Vernissage, Jaune Flamme, Stupice, and Berry’s Crazy Cherry.

Enjoy this harvest time as summer hangs on. Stay cool and eat well, gardenerds.

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