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Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio (hanging bundles of southern Italian tomatoes) on display.

Throw a Tomato Tasting Party!

I recently attended the Ocean View Farms tomato tasting celebration 2019 and ate my way through more than 70 tomato varieties to help determine the best of the best. You can throw a tasting party with your friends, community garden, or fellow gardenerds on a smaller scale. Here’s how:

First – Gather ye tomatoes while ye may.

Tomato Tasting blind
Entries are submitted and assigned a number so the taste test is blind. Only the organizers know the owner of each tomato.
Tomato tasting entry form
Ocean View Farms’ entry form for its tomato tasting.

Each tomato gets its own form/number for a blind taste test. If your tasting is not a contest (no prizes given out) then skip this step and just start dicing.

Next – Place tomatoes on plates, each labeled with its number and variety.

tomato tasting display
More than 70 varieties on display at OVF’s tomato tasting (photo shows only half the entries).

Before the tasting begins, all participants receive a ballot and note card for writing down their favorites.

tomato tasting ballots
Have sheets for listing favorites and a final ballot for the top choices.

Let the Games Begin!

Tomato Tasting sampling
Guests write down their favorites and taste again (just to be sure…)
Tomato Tasting guests
Everybody tastes and votes!

Then – tally the votes and award prizes. Again, if it’s not a contest, then skip this step and go straight to salsa.

Tomato Tasting Salsa
At the end, make salsa from all the entries. Add garlic powder, cilantro, chili peppers, lime and salt.

Break out the tortilla chips and dig in! Throw a party this month to celebrate tomatoes and your garden community.

Tomato Tasting Winners
This year’s winners at OVF were, from left: Tara Crow (3rd place), Les Hairrell (1st place), and tomato power couple Dean Cleverdon and Nancy Nyberg (2nd place).

Special thanks to #OceanViewFarms for hosting their Tomato Tasting 2019.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Unique idea and fun way to end the summer with a tomato themed party! Research and evidence is showing that eating tomatoes is a part of a healthy diet and can help reduce our risk for many diseases. Did you know that eating tomatoes may slow lung decline?

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