Wordless Wednesday: June is Nearly Here
Despite bouts with the flu, our recent bee loss, and discovering one of our new hens is a rooster, we're still hopeful about gardening as June approaches. Here are some…
Despite bouts with the flu, our recent bee loss, and discovering one of our new hens is a rooster, we're still hopeful about gardening as June approaches. Here are some…
When you ask the cashier at the feed store whether the chicks she's ringing up for you have been sexed, and her answer is, "Ninety percent!", you know your odds…
If you haven't discovered the new Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast format, now's your chance. This week's guest is Barbara Spencer of Windrose Farm. We interviewed her at TomatoBration…
Tried and True Tips for Healthy Tomato Plants this season with our podcast guest, Barbara Spencer
Our 5-year-old hive up and died the other day. About a month ago, we noticed a pile of dead bees outside the hive. We didn't think much of it at…
David wrote in to Ask Gardenerd this week: "Hi Christy. Where do you recommend getting Kelp emulsion and how do you recommend using it? Thank you." We use several different…
"Help! The squirrels clean[ed] my 3 Loquat trees, not one piece of fruit left. Quite the surprise. Now I'm fretting over my tomatoes. How do I keep them away for…
Explore Treatment Free Beekeeping Methods with our podcast guest, John Lyons
New growth brings hope of delicious rewards this spring. As the weather warms up, plants burst forth with young leaves, flowers, and foliage. It's also an early swarm season for…
Today’s guest post is by Hydroponics & Aquaponics blogger Jonathan de Araujo. Read more of Jonathan’s articles at uPONICS.com. The Science of Aquaponics The science of aquaponics is as much…