Read more about the article Wordless Wednesday – Summer Production
Sweet corn is ready to harvest when it leans away from the stalk. We're checking for the milk stage daily.

Wordless Wednesday – Summer Production

This year has been the most challenging gardening year for us here at Gardenerd HQ. Even with dozens of rat traps, our cat Mittens, and night vision cameras, we're still losing to rats this year. But that makes the harvest we do get all the more delicious.

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Podcast: Asian Vegetables with Wendy Kiang-Spray

Back in April we spoke with a fellow Great Grow Along speaker, Wendy Kiang-Spray about growing and cooking with Asian vegetables. Wendy is the author of The Chinese Kitchen Garden: Growing Techniques and Family Recipes for a Classic Cuisine. She's a speaker and inspirational garden blogger, and she just lived through the cicada emergence in Maryland.

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YouTube: Field Trip to The Little Farm

Back in 2014, we took a field trip to The Little Farm, a 2 acre private residence in the Valley in Southern California. Clive Segil is a rare fruit grower, and he transformed his sloped parcel into a jam packed, productive jungle with a menagerie of livestock and fruit trees. In our latest YouTube video, we return to see what has changed since we were there last.

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Read more about the article Wordless Wednesday: Win Some, Lose Some
Yes, it's supposed to look like that.

Wordless Wednesday: Win Some, Lose Some

I don't know about you, gardenerds, but the pest population here in Los Angeles has exploded this spring/summer. We're experiencing rats like never before (emboldened by our absence over 2020, no doubt). White flies are absolutely everywhere, and leaf hoppers are abundant.

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