Today we mourn the loss of one of the best resources in organic biointensive gardening. Bountiful Gardens, the retail wing of Ecology Action’s Grow Biointensive, has closed its doors much to my dismay. I’m actually heartbroken over this, there’s no other word for it. I feel as though a good friend has died.

I went to Bountiful Gardens’s website to find out when my catalog would arrive (looking for clues on shipping dates) and found this instead:

When you scroll down the message becomes clearer:
Where will we get recycled redwood seed-flats, heritage grain seeds, and self-reliance-supporting oil and fiber seeds now that Bountiful Gardens is gone? Who will sell the nifty widger they always carried? (okay, PVF does) And tree kale (maybe these guys?) and other unique perennial vegetable seeds and seedlings!? Waaaaaaa!
Well, Bountiful Gardens does help answer those questions to some degree. They list partner websites that continue to sell similar seeds mentioned above. I’m posting a screenshot here in case they decide to take the website down.

It just goes to show that we cannot take these suppliers for granted. They will not always be here. Financial support of organizations we love, seed-saving, and community building are more important than ever. Farewell, Bountiful Gardens. You will be missed.
If you have alternative resources for items Bountiful Gardens carried (particularly Vertus Savoy cabbage), please share them here. We’d love to spread the word.
i just heard of this. this is horrible news.
We talked to John about this in a recent podcast and asked if they’d be bringing it back. He said there is a possibility but not this year. Stay tuned.
Superlative in its entirety Bountiful Gardens instilled pleasure in their varied resources and hope with John Jeavons’ smiling face alongside the team as they held beautiful bounty of their efforts. I have enjoyed, some days more than others, being in the garden or field hoeing, plowing, and harvesting. My first exposure was less than successful. Corn and Johnson grass looked similar. An energetic seven year old with a hoe and one class in identifying the enemy…Johnson grass and tasty food…corn can ruin a crop. The second instruction left no doubt what Johnson grass looked like. Over 65 years later now I’m saddened that the team and resources are no longer available to help 7 year oldsters and is 70s year oldsters know what’s corny.
So true, Jim. I just interviewed John Jeavons for my podcast and asked him about the possibility of bringing Bountiful Gardens back to life. He hinted at a possibility, so keep your fingers crossed. For now he is sharing his method of Grow BioIntensive mini-farming around the world.
Duke Farms, Hillsborough NJ has seed sharing, organic gardening lessons, plots you can rent for the season (organic only). Seminars on bee keeping. Go to their link! Too many for me to list. Cheers, Susan Flaherty
I wish I knew. I’m not familiar with the nurseries in that area, but the BG website does list great resources for online ordering at the very least.
Is there any other nursery that you would recommend ? I was close to Bountiful Gardens but am willing to drive.
Felt so sad when I stopped by to find it was no longer there.
Thanks in advance
Where can i buy black cumin seeds to plant, compost crops such as crimson red clover in small.amount,
Red clover is available by the pound from Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply. Smaller than that, Johnny’s sells it by the 1/4 pound. I have seen Black Cumin seeds available through Seed Savers Exchange.
Where can I find Italian tomato seeds. Please let me know, I have done my research and can find any place that sells them.
Please respond.
Mary Kelly
Have you tried Franchi seeds? They sell only Italian varieties of all sorts of vegetables, including tomatoes. You can find them here:
You do not list High Mowing Seeds. Northeast. Excellent selection and quality.
We love High Mowing, and they are listed on our Links Page, but Bountiful Gardens didn’t include them on their list.