We planted millet in late February and planted it out last month and already we have an update! While many of the plants were destroyed by curious cats, the remainder have sent up impressive stalks of grain.
This being our first time growing millet, we weren’t sure what to expect. It’s always fun to try something new and see what happens. Here’s what we found in the garden yesterday:

Millet apparently is a short crop, only reaching about 15″ tall. Up close, some of the grains even starting to turn colors.

Speaking of color, there is a lot of that going on in the garden right now. Flowers are blooming and fruits are setting and darkening in the sun’s warm light. Let’s take a tour, shall we?

I also eat millet. I have a wonderful recipe for millet cakes. I’m trying quinoa in my garden this summer but next year I’m going to do millet for sure.
Yay Lynne. You’ll have to share your millet cakes recipe sometime.
What do you use the millet for? I know you can dry it and hang it in birdcages. But is that what you are doing with it or is there some other use for it. Interested to know more.
I eat millet in place of rice or quinoa sometimes because it’s a highly nutritious grain, and it’s great for those with gluten issues. It can be eaten like an oatmeal or porridge too. I expect the birds will find it tasty too, but I plan to harvest it before they can get it.