Recipe: Low FODMAP No-Bake Granola Bars

Happy New Year, gardenerds! In my last blog post, I shared my dark-humored thoughts about trash, and confessed that my biggest contribution to landfills is granola bar wrappers. I snack between clients to keep my blood sugar up, and I realized I needed to find a zero waste solution. Enter these Low FODMAP No-Bake Granola Bars.

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Design: A Two-Yard Partnership Garden

when a client’s sister-in-law bought the house next door, they knocked down the fence between them to expand the garden. Now it stretches across both front yards. It’s a two-yard garden.

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New Year’s Resolutions 2019

New Year's resolutions are tough. I'm torn between motivation to make changes, and residual exhaustion from last year telling me to take it easy. Usually that exhaustion wains as spring…

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