Venice Garden Tour 2012 Review

It’s that time of year when gardens are looking their best and neighborhood garden tours abound. Here in Los Angeles, we finished up our own
participation in the Mar Vista Green Garden Showcase and last weekend we set out on foot to explore the
homes on the Venice Garden Tour. Here is our quick photo review:

Ever since the Venice Garden Tour combined with the Venice Home Tour, the …

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Ask Gardenerd: Bugs in my Cabbage

A question came into Ask Gardenerd this week:

“Hi!,  In my garden my cabbage is being infested with these white bugs that look like they fly….I have taken out a couple of my plants that look destroyed but still have more in the
ground, also my Brussels sprouts have them too!   I have used spinosad organic killer and I am concerned it will get on my other crops…..what do you recommend??  Thank
You!!!   Jill”

You’re not alone Jill. Many people …

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12-19-08 Winter is Here

12-19-08 Winter is Here In This Issue: December in the Garden Eco-gift Festival Review Product of the Month: 2009 Spring Heirloom Seed Collection Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Weeding 1.…

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04-25-24 Spring Excitement

In this issue: April in the Garden - Spring Excitement Video: 1 Fruit Tree Tip for an Abundant Harvest Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Earth Month Resources Gardenerd Product of…

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03-23-23 Spring Abundance

In this issue: March in the Garden Podcast: Cottage Foods with Lisa Kivirist Gardenerd Tip of the Month: Tomato Tips Gardenerd Product of the Month: Online Pest Control Course 1.…

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Podcast: Endophytic Bacteria with Jeff Lowenfels

We go full-nerd this week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast, with Jeff Lowenfels and his new book about endophytic bacteria. Learn what they are and why they are important.

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