Our last video of the year focuses on cover crops. What are they and why should we grow them? Christy tells you what you need to know to plant, grow, and harvest (or cut down) these crops before spring.
Cover crops do more than add nitrogen to soils. They build soil structure, feed the Soil Food Web, provide habitat for critters, and much more. Watch and learn a thing or two.
Cover Crops – Why Grow Them?
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Sequester Carbon – read up on this in our newsletter archives (scroll down to #2) here
Turning in – if you opt to use your biomass in the compost instead of directly in raised beds, here’s an argument for why that’s a good idea.
Options – Find ideas for different crops in this newsletter (again, scroll down to #2). If you really want to go down a rabbit hole, check out this chart with all the options and what they do.