Our latest YouTube video shares 3 tips for how to choose seedlings at the nursery. If you plan to buy seedlings/transplants/starts at the nursery this spring, this video is a must see.
Are nurseries always looking out for you? Maybe, maybe not. Christy shares what to look for when you go shopping this season.
How to Choose Seedlings at the Nursery – 3 Tips for Success
Subscribe to the Gardenerd YouTube channel for more great tips like these. Consider becoming a Patreon Subscriber to support the free stuff we do here at Gardenerd. Subscribers get monthly hangouts with Christy and expedited answers to your burning gardening questions.

Buying onion seedlings at the nursery? Watch this video before you plant them.
Starting from seed instead? Visit our Trusted Links page for great seed resources.
Looking for great tomato transplants? Plan a trip to a TomatoMania event this season. Hundreds of tomato varieties are yours for the picking. (See image above for some of our choices).
LA Peeps! Our friends at Two Dog Nursery are having a flash seasonal sale on March 23-24, 2024 – tomatoes only! Check them out here. Both this and Tomatomania are worth ditching work for. Trust us, call in sick. Just do it.