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Our first Lucid Gem tomatoes are glowing orange with black shoulders. Beautiful!

Wordless Wednesday: Summer Heat

Summer heat waves are sweeping the country, and even here on the westside it’s above 80 degrees. The garden starts to look sad, a sign that some plants will finish their life cycle soon. Summer gives us those fleeting moments of abundance best enjoyed in the shade with a glass of lemonade. Enjoy this week’s inspiration to keep you going through the heat.

Artichoke flower
Summer means welcoming the end-of-life cycle for both annuals and perennials. This artichoke is beautiful before it dies back.
Spaghetti squash sprouts
The garden contrasts old and dying with new and young. We dumped some dried spaghetti squash seeds into a patch of mulch and watered them. And we’re off!
Last lettuces
Last weekend we planted our last lettuces, cilantro, and arugula for the summer. This will get us through until fall (hopefully). They are growing under a shade-inducing tree kale so they won’t bolt to seed quickly in this heat.
Lucid Gem tomato
Our first Lucid Gem tomatoes are glowing orange with black shoulders. Beautiful!
rats eating tomatoes
Rats are active in the garden despite multiple traps. We pick a little early around here to keep them for ourselves.
sweet potatoes flowering
Our sweet potatoes are flowering. We will wait until November to harvest.
Delicata squash
Delicata squash rambles out of bounds. We don’t mind.
Tropical milkweed is not ideal, but it’s volunteering everywhere. We’ll be sure to cut it to the ground in fall to prevent pathogens. Learn more about that here.
Pomegranates fruiting
For the third time our pomegranates have flowered but this time every single flower set fruit.
Squash soup
Yellow squash soup is a bright addition to any meal in summer. It uses up those excess summer squashes lying around.

Stay cool in the summer heat, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Stay safe out there!

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