Basil season is always a delight. But while basil may be abundant during the growing season, it’s not easy to keep fresh. Maybe you’ve experienced this: you pick some basil and put it in a container in the fridge. The next day it starts turning dark and smells a little off.
You’re not alone! This is what basil does, if left to its own device. The best way to keep fresh basil in your life is to put it to good use right away in meals. The second best way is to preserve it for later use. Let’s dip into the Gardenerd archives for great ideas that will keep you using basil all season.

Basil Recipes to Try
Here are some of our favorite ways to use basil fresh from the garden:

- Purple Basil Lemonade – the purple basil turns lemonade pink. It’s delicious and perfect for a garden party.
- Caprese Skillet Eggs – a tasty combination of all the best flavors, chock full of fresh herbs including basil.
- David King’s Pesto Madness Pesto – a classic from the former Gardenmaster of The Learning Garden. You’ll find this and other recipes in Gardening for Geeks. And remember, you can freeze pesto for year-round use in jars, ice cube trays or freezer bags. We’re using thawed jars of frozen pesto from 2023 right now (and did that all winter long). Try it!
Watch: You can also preserve basil so that the flavor remains true, even if the color turns darker. Use the tips found in this video.

And if you need help pinching basil to keep it growing all summer long, watch this tutorial before you pinch. Make the most of basil season and preserve the flavor of summer for the rest of the year. You won’t regret it.