Wordless Wednesday: National Gardening Day

Happy National Gardening Day, gardenerds! It's full-blown gardening season here in Southern California, and so far it has not disappointed us. While other parts of the country are still under snow (sorry, guys) we're watching plants set fruit and flowers bloom. Here's some inspiration to get you out in the garden (did someone say Ditch Day?). 

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Baby carrots didn't grow to maturity, but they're still tasty, and cute.

Wordless Wednesday: A Flurry of Garden Activity

Spring is busting out all over here at Gardenerd HQ. We're pulling winter crops, amending beds, and planting new crops. But the garden is putting on a show all the while. Here's some inspiration for the week. Get out there and plant something!

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Read more about the article Wordless Wednesday: New Life
Blackberries are setting fruit. They don't need any help from us. Just keep digging up the runners that come up 15 feet away from the mother plant.

Wordless Wednesday: New Life

Easter, Passover, and Earth Day all came together this year to celebrate new life. The garden bursts forth with sprouts, flowers, and the promise of an abundant harvest.

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Read more about the article Wordless Wednesday: Spring Delights
Magenta tree spinach (Chenopodium giganteum) spotted at the Santa Monica Main Street Community Garden. It's both edible and beautiful!

Wordless Wednesday: Spring Delights

Spring delights are already abundant here in Los Angeles. Step outside and you're greeted with the fragrance of wisteria overhead, or the wild Painted Lady butterfly migration all around. Loquats…

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