Read more about the article Recipe: Nasturtium Pesto with Breadcrumbs and Mint
Nasturtium leaves make a great base for pesto.

Recipe: Nasturtium Pesto with Breadcrumbs and Mint

During lock down, we're all scrambling to use what we have in the fridge, and this recipe for nasturtium pesto fits the bill. It uses nasturtium leaves instead of basil, breadcrumbs instead of pine nuts and a dash of mint to keep it interesting. It's darn tasty.

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Read more about the article Recipe: Chilean Cabbage with Avocado Slaw
Cabbage, avocado, lemon and salt are all you need for this recipe.

Recipe: Chilean Cabbage with Avocado Slaw

During lock down, recipes with fewer ingredients--like this one for Chilean Cabbage with Avocado Slaw--are most welcome. Four ingredients will score you a delicious, savory way to consume the multitudes of cabbage coming in from the garden in late winter or early spring. 

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Read more about the article YouTube: Perennial Crops for Your Self-Reliance Garden
First harvest of the season

YouTube: Perennial Crops for Your Self-Reliance Garden

Our latest YouTube video explores perennial crops that fill in the gaps in your garden year after year. Perennial crops offer durability and consistency amid the cycle of annual, seasonal crops.  No self-reliance garden should be without them.

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Read more about the article Wordless Wednesday: A Flurry of Garden Activity
Baby carrots didn't grow to maturity, but they're still tasty, and cute.

Wordless Wednesday: A Flurry of Garden Activity

Spring is busting out all over here at Gardenerd HQ. We're pulling winter crops, amending beds, and planting new crops. But the garden is putting on a show all the while. Here's some inspiration for the week. Get out there and plant something!

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