Our latest YouTube video answers a question that came into AskGardenerd last week: Should I leave the roots in the soil when I pull a plant? The short answer is yes, but it depends.
Christy explains why and when it’s a good idea to leave the roots in the soil when you clear a bed to make room for more crops. Watch and try these different options out in your own garden.
Should I Leave the Roots?
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Learn more about how soil food web microbes colonize your roots here.
Listen to a podcast with Sheri Powell about the Soil Food Web here
Check out this great podcast with Jeff Lowenfels about soil fungi as wells this one on endophytic bacteria
Find out more about Dr. Elaine Ingham’s research and classes, and watch this video on nutrient cycling here.

Leave roots in your soil as long as you can, except when disease is a factor. You’ll reap the benefits of an enhanced soil food web next season.