Every year in winter our mint pot starts to looks sad, dormant and, let’s face it, dead. But if you look closely there is evidence that it is still alive. White roots and tiny sprouts of new mint leaves among the vast desert of barren soil are clues that the mint pot isn’t dead, it just needs refreshing.
See, mint likes to send out a lot of roots. And those roots clog up the pot, circling endlessly until there’s no room to grow. Our latest video shows you how to revitalize your mint pot to bring it back to life.
How to Revitalize Your Mint Pot
This step-by-step process will bring your mint back from the crypt. It doesn’t take much, but it will save you money on new plants and soil year after year. Watch and try it yourself.
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Need ideas for what to do with all the mint you’re going to have after this trick? Read up on these recipes.
Try this recipe for nasturtium pesto with mint (the winter basil, I like to say)
Do you have other edible perennials in pots that need some love? Check out our other video on the subject.