Our latest video features the unboxing of a new product from the folks at GreenStalk Gardens. They sent it to us awhile ago to test out, but Covid shipping issues held up their supply.
Now it’s back in stock so we’re testing it out on a fruit tree in a pot. Watch as Christy unboxes the Spinner and installs it at Gardenerd HQ.
Unboxing the GreenStalk Ultimate Spinner
Note: Gardenerd is an affiliate member of GreenStalk, and if you use this link, it helps support us a little bit.
Use our discount code when shopping at GreenStalk: GSGARDENERD
See our earlier unboxing of the GreenStalk Vertical Garden System – which is still in use at Gardenerd HQ growing luffa and strawberries. And our follow up video checking in on progress here.
You could use this device on a strawberry pot, herb planter, or any tiered planter box that needs sun on all sides. Our blood orange tree is loving the exposure.

If you like what you see, give the Ultimate Spinner a try – with or without wheels. Again, use this link to buy, and use our discount code (GSGARDENERD) for a break on the price.
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