It’s time for a quick December Tour of Gardenerd HQ. Christy takes you on a walk-through of what’s working in December and what’s not. We’ll share progress on our raised beds, fruit trees, and other stuff.
It’s our way of closing out 2021, with a garden tour. Whether your garden is shut down for the season, or you’re growing strong, we’ve got news and tips to share.
Gardenerd HQ December Tour
If you missed our earlier video about the kale bed, watch it here
Did you see the video about rescuing our Fuji apple tree from a root-bound pot? Watch here
If you want to know what varieties of lettuces we like to grow each season, check out this video.

If your garden is closed for winter, we hope you enjoy poring over the seed catalogs that have begun to arrive. Make big plans for spring now, and enjoy dreaming about your cool-weather season to come. Folks in warm-winter climates who didn’t plant for fall/winter – plant cool season crops very, very early, or jump straight to warm-season crops by March/April. Just thinkin’ ahead so you don’t have to!
Happy holidays to you, gardenerds. We’ll see you in 2022 with more videos, lessons, and fun stuff.