Spring is officially here in the northern hemisphere, and we’re having a spring celebration around Gardenerd HQ. Flowers are in bloom, old crops are coming out, new crops are on the way. It’s a time of transition and hope. Here’s some inspiration for your spring garden endeavors.
Arugula bolts to seed and provides pollinators with nectar and pollen. The last carrots, radishes, and tiny jalapeno peppers (from a weird winter flush of blooms) are coming out to make room for hot weather crops. Shelling peas in the kitchen. Even though the rats got most of them, we still got a decent harvest. We’re pulling the plants to make room for tomatoes.This volunteer tomato made it through winter and even gave us a few yellow cherries. We added a trellis to keep it going through the season. Rhoda gives us the stink eye through the fence. She’s very social. The first purple artichokes peek out from their foliage. They let us know spring is here. Gladiolus in bloom at our community garden. Blackberries are flowering. Soon we’ll be eating fruit from the garden.Stinging nettles are coming up all over. Time to make some soup!Golden, Gourmet, and Lutz beets are coming along nicely. We planted them early winter and now they’re taking off. Swiss chard grows behind them in rainbow colors. We’re trialing a variety from Row 7 Seeds called Badger Flame. We’ll report back our findings.
If you are still waiting for last frost, now is a good time to plan and start seeds indoors. If you are clear of last frost, it’s time to get planting! Enjoy this spring celebration every day while it lasts. Soon the hot weather will be here, followed by the delicious harvest.