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Blackberries are setting fruit against the wall.

Wordless Wednesday: Potential in the Garden

This week’s inspiration is all about potential in the garden. It’s early and there’s a lot of potential yet to be fulfilled this season. Just you wait. We are seeing it come to fruition already. Check it out!

Potential in the Garden

This mystery stone fruit is setting fruit. It’s looking very much like a nectarine, but we’ll see if it makes it to the flavor test.
Basil has sprouted and we are protecting them under cloches. Dealing with basil downy mildew already? Look at this helpful post.
Tomatoes, planted last week, are filling out the space.
Stowell’s Evergreen Sweet corn sprouts are popping up under cover.
Pomegranates have leafed out and are starting to flower.

And Some Other Stuff

California native bulbs, triteleia, are making quite the show right now, next to yarrow and manzanita.
Giant purple mustard is bolting to seed. We’ll leave it for now for the beneficial flowers.
Strawberries are ready to pick this week. Deer fencing protects strawberries from being eaten before their time.
And a potential in the garden that is not so great…Rust on green onions – you must carefully remove all signs from the garden. Bag and trash the biomass. Why? The spores drop easily so be careful when removing plant material. We don’t recommend the chemical treatments suggested in the linked article, however.
Bells of Ireland are blooming against the tree kale.
Mittens hangs out on the porch and watches over the garden. I wish she knew how to weed, she spends so much time out there.

There is so much potential in the garden right now. We hope you feel inspired to get out there and plant something. The rewards will come with patience, and a little time.

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