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Blackberries are setting fruit. They don't need any help from us. Just keep digging up the runners that come up 15 feet away from the mother plant.

Wordless Wednesday: New Life

Easter, Passover, and Earth Day all came together this year to celebrate new life. The garden bursts forth with sprouts, flowers, and the promise of an abundant harvest. Here is some inspiration to get out there and foster new life in your garden.

Green Striped Cushaw Squash
Green Striped Cushaw squash seeds from Monticello sprout.
Tomato wordless Wednesday
Morning dew settles on tomato plants. Don’t touch tomato plants while wet. It increases chances of disease.
Green Pod Asparagus Bean Wordless Wednesday
Green Pod Asparagus beans sprout. It’s our first time growing them. So exciting!
Strawberries Wordless Wednesday
Time to pick everbearing strawberries (and clean up the dead leaves.
Malaga Radish wordless Wednesday
Malaga Radishes sprout while weather is still cool.
Red Fife Wordless Wednesday
Red Fife starts to turn brown. It will be ready to harvest next month.
Tomato blossoms wordless Wednesday
Tomato blossoms turn up early on tomatoes planting in March. Time to feed these guys in containers.
Pomegranate wordless wednesday
Pomegranate flowers are bursting forth. We fed them with organic fruit tree fertilizer when flowers appeared.
Blackberries Wordless Wednesday
Blackberries are setting fruit. They don’t need any help from us. Just keep digging up the runners that come up 15 feet away from the mother plant.
Borage nasturtiums wordless Wednesday
Borage and nasturtiums partner with trumpet vine to give pollinators and hummingbirds something to eat.

Get out there and plant, plant, plant! Soon the rewards will abound.

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