Shop: Custom Biologicals
We're thrilled to offer a new product line in the Gardenerd Store: Custom Biologicals. If you've always wanted to apply biologically active compost tea (ACT) to your garden but don't…
Recipe: Spring Polenta with Radishes and Garlic Scapes
Spring is for cooking fresh from the garden. How delightful it is to run across a recipe, and to happen to have all the ingredients on hand, either in the…

Wordless Wednesday: April
We know half the country is still blanketed with snow, but April is off the chain in southern gardens. It's going gangbusters here, folks. Come August/September our garden will look…
Candles from Bees
I usually leave crafting to Martha Stewart, but this project has been four years in the making and I'm chuffed about it. Four years ago we began harvesting honey from…
Harvesting Ginger
Effective Methods to Grow and Use Harvesting Ginger
Giveaway: Botanical Interests Spring Seeds
Spring is here, and our friends at Botanical Interests have offered Gardenerd an extraordinary giveaway of spring seeds, garden tools, and more. Three winners. Three gift sets to choose from.…
YouTube: Propagating Tree Kale
This one is for you kale lovers and permaculturists out there: perennial tree kale. Yes, it's true. Imagine a year-round supply of kale that doesn't fall prey to aphids in…