If you missed the window for our new online pest control course, Creating a Healthy Garden, during its initial release, you’re in luck. It’s back!
We’re running the course again this June, and the registration window opens soon. Now is the time to get on the waiting list to learn all the details and pricing. You’ll get a free gift for joining when you do.

Do you struggle with aphids, white fly, sow bugs, and grasshoppers?
Do you know how to keep rats, squirrels, and larger critters away from your crops?
Have you wished you could find all the help you need in one place?
If you said yes to any of these questions, then Creating a Healthy Garden is for you. Find out more about it here.

We all struggle with wildlife at some level when we grow food. The garden is the snack bar for local fauna, whether it’s birds, squirrels, rats, raccoons, skunks, gophers, or deer. It’s easy to get discouraged and give up. But with the right knowledge you can protect your garden and enjoy it more thoroughly.
Leading up to opening day of registration, we’ll also be offering our free webinar, Winning the Pest Control Game to introduce you to a few awesome tips for controlling pests this spring and summer. You’ll have access to a live Q&A with Christy during the webinar, and you’ll take away more great pest control tips as well. More details to come about that.
Join the waiting list to be notified when registration opens for both the webinars and the online course. Grab your free gift (4 Pests & Their Predators) and put it to use right away in your garden.

Whether you’re just starting your season, or you’re well under way, we’re here to support you in your journey. We’ve got knowledge coming out our ears over here at Gardenerd HQ, let us share it with you! Join the waiting list today and get your free downloadable gift.