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Seed Starting for Fall

It’s a little late to be talking about this, but I just wanted to wait to make sure it worked before reporting on my progress.  As I wipe my hand across my forehead in relief, I can say that I successfully started brassicas from seed indoors for the first time this year.

I’ve always grown them straight in the ground because I haven’t had space to start seeds indoors.  As you know, if you’ve been reading along, this is my first full year starting seeds under grow lights and I have to say, so far so good.

About a month ago, I started broccoli, cauliflower, Kohl Rabi, cabbage and Brussels sprouts in seed trays.  The varieties this year: Broccoli Calabrese, Snow’s Overwintering Cauliflower, All-the-Year-Round Cauliflower, Early Snowball Cauliflower (really trying to see what works in my neck of the woods here), and Copenhagen Market Early Cabbage.  I also tried a White Kohl Rabi and Seven Hills Brussels Sprouts.

Most of them sprouted, and transplanted well into 4″ Cow Pots:


Then with a few weeks of love and care (and a new capillary mat system – to be discussed in an upcoming blog) they have reached the point where they are looking ready to put out in the garden.  Ready as far as I’m concerned anyway… but call me impatient.


Some other items were also started from seed and haven’t made their way out from under the lights yet: Viroflay spinach, both flat leaf and curly parsley (those actually got transplanted straight into the garden from their 2″ starting cells, and are still alive, I might add), and celery (those take forever to sprout – a.k. a. time to buy new seeds).

These will go in the ground in a few days, simply because I can’t stand waiting anymore.

Are you starting seeds indoors this year?  Share your progress and favorite tips here.

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