Ask Gardenerd: Green Worms on My Brassicas

We get questions like this one from Jody all the time: "Last year I ripped everything out of my garden, put fresh soil in and decided rather last minute to do an edible landscape. It was beyond anything I could have expected or hoped for, but what really was trouble was the white butterflies infesting/laying eggs/green worms in my cabbage, broccoli and kale.

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Read more about the article YouTube: Battling Aphids without Bug Spray
Aphids are the major reason why our kale meets its end in March. Time for something new.

YouTube: Battling Aphids without Bug Spray

Our latest video is timely as the winter gardening season winds down. Some crops grow tired at the end of the season, as indicated by massive aphid infestations on greens like kale, chard, and spinach.

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