Wordless Wednesday: Transition Times
Summer has given way to fall, and while it’s still hot in places, the gardener’s eye is set on cooler, shorter days.
Summer has given way to fall, and while it’s still hot in places, the gardener’s eye is set on cooler, shorter days.
It’s that time where it’s too soon to plant fall crops in Los Angeles (watching the 10-day forecast for temps under 73 degrees), and the summer garden is waning.
Technically the Dog Days of Summer end today, August 11th. Dog Days are supposed to be hot and sultry, but here at Gardenerd HQ it’s mostly hot and dry.
It’s right about the time when tomato plants look like they’re doing something, and we start to see fruit on squash and cucumber plants. Exciting times, gardenerds. All that work is about to pay off. Let’s take a moment to enjoy the progress in our gardens, and savor the late spring garden excitement.
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