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Sanjay Rawal, director of Gather.

Podcast: Native American Food with Sanjay Rawal

This week on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast we chat with Sanjay Rawal, the director of the new documentary film Gather, and the award-winning film Food Chains. We chat about food sovereignty, and the “new world” crops that have been stewarded by indigenous people for thousands of years.

Sanjay has spent more than 15 years working on human rights campaigns around the world. His new film follows a chef, a rancher, a hunter/gatherer, and a fishermen to explore traditional foods of Turtle Island (the modern day Americas).

Sanjay Rawal
Sanjay Rawal, director of Gather.

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Gather Clayton and Twila
Clayton and Twila, two hunter/gatherers featured in the film.
Gather Sammy
Sammy is working to preserve traditional fishing methods and to educate young Native Americans.


Visit the website for Gather here

Rent the film on iTunes, Amazon and Vimeo on Demand. Find links and watch the trailer here

Follow Sanjay and Gather on Instagram

November is National Native American Heritage month. Find info and events here.

Check out the stories and Journalism Projects on the Gather website.

Sanjay Rawal mentioned a few other resources:

Read up on Jack Harlan, plant breeder and advocate for biodiversity

Tomatoland by Barry Estabrook (buy through this link and we get a few cents)

Find what tribes lived where you now live. Learn more about the foods of that tribe and grow those crops, gather those foods.

Gather Bison
Bison were a mainstay of the diet for many indigenous people.

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