Podcast: Gardening with Shirley Bovshow
This week's podcast guest is Shirley Bovshow, the Garden Lifestyle expert seen regularly on Hallmark’s Home and Family Show.
This week's podcast guest is Shirley Bovshow, the Garden Lifestyle expert seen regularly on Hallmark’s Home and Family Show.
May rains (an oddity in Los Angeles) have kept the garden happy and cool this month. It's time to plant while the gettin's good. Here's a little inspiration to help…
This time of year, we get a lot of questions about powdery mildew: "What's this white stuff on my squash plants?" "How do I get rid of it?"
Subscribers have been asking for a Home BioGas update video for awhile. They wanted to know how it's working, if there have been problems, and whether it's been damaged by rodents. This new video answers all of those questions and more.
This week's podcast guest is Conor Fitzpatrick, founder of MiniFarmBox and owner of Fig Earth Supply nursery in Highland Park, CA. He shares his tips for growing veggies, fruits, and medicinal herbs in small spaces.
We recently visited Apricot Lane Farms, the focus of the new documentary The Biggest Little Farm, which opens May 10th in theaters. On press day, we took a tour of the 200 acre farm and saw the magnificent biodynamic ecosystem in action. Listen to our Podcast with the farm's owners, John and Molly Chester. Here are some highlights from our tour:
Our latest YouTube video gives you the what, how, and why you should grow beneficial insectaries, that is, plants that attract beneficial insects to the garden.
This week's guests are John and Molly Chester, the owners of Apricot Lane Farms and stars of a fantastic new documentary opening in theaters on May 10, 2019, The Biggest Little Farm. I visited Apricot Lane Farms for Press Day to tour the farm and interview this brave duo.
We specialize in small-space gardening here at Gardenerd, and our latest design project tested our strengths: transforming 213 sq. ft. of usable space into an edible garden. Spoiler alert--we did it.
Easter, Passover, and Earth Day all came together this year to celebrate new life. The garden bursts forth with sprouts, flowers, and the promise of an abundant harvest.