Read more about the article Podcast: Microgreens and Ponics with Nate Looney
Nate Looney stands among his front yard garden filled with tomatoes.

Podcast: Microgreens and Ponics with Nate Looney

Our latest guest on the Gardenerd Tip of the Week Podcast is Nate Looney, owner of Westside Urban Gardens. Nate is business-savvy army veteran who offers consultation services for controlled environment growing operations (read: hydroponics and aquaponics).

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Read more about the article New Chickens
Eunice and Rhoda investigate their new home.

New Chickens

Life and death are a big part of gardening. We lost our 7-year-old Easter Egger, Ethel, a few weeks ago. To deal with the sadness, I took a page from a friend's book who, when she lost her best furry friend, went straight out and got 2 more cats.

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Read more about the article Podcast: Jo Anne Trigo of Two Dog Organic Nursery
Jo Anne Trigo stands among hundreds of seedlings at Two Dog Organic Nursery.

Podcast: Jo Anne Trigo of Two Dog Organic Nursery

Jo Anne Trigo runs the only certified organic nursery in LA County, and if that's not enough, she runs it out of her home. Two Dog Organic Nursery supplies Angelinos with fruit trees, vegetable seedlings, and culinary herbs and edible flowers year-round

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Read more about the article Wordless Wednesday: Community Garden Bounty
Yellow crookneck squash is off an running. It is always the first to peter out as the heat comes on, but for now it's working.

Wordless Wednesday: Community Garden Bounty

Things are really going off in our community garden plot, so we wanted to capture it before its beauty wanes. We've already spotted the first cucumber beetles so that means…

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