Read more about the article Recipe: Sourdough Soft Pretzels
The finished product is better than any movie house rubbery pretzel.

Recipe: Sourdough Soft Pretzels

I must confess, I could honestly live off movie popcorn and soft pretzels. Thank the stars I have a garden to keep me healthy. But if your pandemic obsession with sourdough hasn't yet kicked open the door to other tasty treats, let me tempt you with this recipe for sourdough soft pretzels.

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YouTube: Growing Shallots and Garlic – Selection to Harvest

Fall means it's time to talk about growing shallots and garlic. In many places, these alliums are planted in fall before the ground freezes over (if that happens where you live) and they emerge in spring. But in warm-winter climates, we plant now and they grow over winter.

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Read more about the article New Book! Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden – Pre-Order Today!
Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden arrives in March 2021. Pre-order your copy today!

New Book! Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden – Pre-Order Today!

Big news, gardenerds (and a distraction from Election Day after you've voted)! My latest book, Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden, is available for pre-order. If you've been wishing for the fruit version of Gardening for Geeks, here it is!

Continue ReadingNew Book! Grow Your Own Mini Fruit Garden – Pre-Order Today!

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