Malibu Vegetable Garden Delight

I had the good fortune to be introduced to Shalane Respondek and her world of LEED certified property development. She brought me in to design a vegetable garden for her new Malibu property over the summer. They were still finishing the house and major landscaping projects, so it would be awhile before we could start on the garden, but the ideas were flowing from the beginning.

I saw ...

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Meet the 2010 Spring/Summer Organic Seed Collection

It's coming upon that time of year when all the 2010 seed catalogs begin to show up in the mail. It is my opinion that seed catalogs are best reviewed in the comfort of one's own bed, with plenty of pillows around to prop them all open to one's favorite pages.

It can be overwhelming. So many different seeds to choose from, so many questions about what might grow well in your hardiness zone. Well, over the years, we've ...

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Golden Rule Garden

And so we continue with the adventures in Willits, CA during the 3-day Grow BioIntensive workshop...

The workshop took place in a most unusual location, what I can only describe as an intentional community of horse people. There were homes and stables (in fact, this is where Sea Biscuit used to live back in the day), but it was isolated from the main highway and was centered around a faith-based community gathering space where our little garden class took place.


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Butter and Biscuits

This doesn't exactly fall under the category of What's Growin' On, but as the urge to homestead becomes more prevalent in our community, I like to include these tidbits of culinary experimentation along with the mainstream gardening information.  So, in case you were wondering what to do with that left over heavy cream in the fridge that might be too old to use but you're not sure, here's how to make butter and biscuits.

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New Gardenerd Hand Care Kit — How it came to be

I'm a self-proclaimed soap whore.  Let me clarify...I love bar soap.  None of that anti-bacterial frothing pump stuff for me thank you very much.  I need a bar I can roll around in my hands, something that cuts through the layers of green tomato plant juice in the summer.  Something that scrubs away the dirt under my nails, but leaves me feeling like I've just done something decadent for myself.


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Ecology Action Farm

It's been busy here, launching the new website and 2 new products for the holiday season, so blogging has taken a back seat until now.  These blog entries are really my favorite things to do (besides harvesting succulent veggies while laughing in the face of commercial agriculture), and writing them gives me an excuse to venture out to new territory.

So we continue with the Grow BioIntensive workshop that I attended in the ...

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Grow BioIntensive Workshop

At the beginning of November I attended the 3-day Grow BioIntensive workshop in Willits, CA.  It blew my mind.  In fact, it took my brain out of my
head, turned it inside out and put it back in.  What is Grow BioIntensive, you ask?  Well, let me attempt to explain it in less than three days:

Grow BioIntensive is a method of gardening/farming that combines French Intensive, which uses
hexagonal plant spacing"2">as well as double-digging ...

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A Visit to the Solar Living Institute

Back in my early college years, all I wanted to do was make bread and swing in a hammock all day.  I dove head-first into environmental issues and chose
recycling as my personal passion.  Along with the strong desire to sort trash came an awareness of solar power and all its benefits.  It was then that I discovered Real Goods.

Real Goods had not yet been bought by when ...

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Woolly Pocket School Garden Project on Dwell Magazine Website

I just got word today that we've been mentioned in an online article for Dwell Magazine. 

Miguel Nelson brought me in as the garden expert for the project and we partnered with School Nutrition Plus to create the Woolly Pocket School Garden Program back in early Summer 2009.  So far, we've installed 5 school gardens and we're about to venture into Arizona to reach other schools. 

Here's a chance to see what goes on in Miguel's head when he invents these great ideas for our participating schools:

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