Ask Gardenerd: Squirrels Eating My Fruit!
"Help! The squirrels clean[ed] my 3 Loquat trees, not one piece of fruit left. Quite the surprise. Now I'm fretting over my tomatoes. How do I keep them away for…
"Help! The squirrels clean[ed] my 3 Loquat trees, not one piece of fruit left. Quite the surprise. Now I'm fretting over my tomatoes. How do I keep them away for…
We received a great question from Sue Payne regarding onions this week: "I planted yellow Spanish onions last September from seedlings that I picked up in a nursery (they were…
Here's a cool question that came into Ask Gardenerd this week: "Hi Christy, When transplanting plants grown in pots, I usually find large sections of soil that are dry and…
A question came into Ask Gardenerd over the holidays: "How do I discourage the raccoons digging in my raised veggie beds?? They don’t dig on the hillside, where their efforts…
A very cool question came in to Ask Gardenerd from Trevor Pratt this week: "How geographically dense does the distribution of pollinator gardens have to be in the LA area…
Our first year of growing experimental goji berries comes to a close and we actually have something to show for it. Some readers may recall that we won two goji…
A question came in to Ask Gardenerd from Jeff Bremer this week: "This is a two-part question: 1. I save seeds from each year's tomato crop to plant the following…
A question came in from Karen at Ask Gardenerd this week: "During these very hot summer days, what's the best time of day to water my vegetable garden?" Irrigation is…
Several questions came in all at once from David this week. He asks, "How do I get rid of flies that like to hang around in my back yard and…
A troubling question came into Ask Gardenerd this week from Jennifer: "I'm a new gardener (4 years), and EVERY SINGLE YEAR, vine borers eat my zucchini plants. But I keep…