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YouTube: Trellis Tricks for Your Small Space Garden

If you have a small space garden, you’ll want to make the most of it with these trellis tricks in our latest YouTube video. This week we’re sharing something we do here at Gardenerd HQ to make it possible to grow more varieties than ever.

Diversity is key, and this video will help you incorporate more of it into your garden plan. Try it out and let us know how it goes for you.

Trellis Tricks for Your Small Space Garden

Learn a new trellis trick for getting the most out of your vertical crops.

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Wordless Wednesday lemon cucumber
Lemon Cucumbers light up the garden. They taste like regular cucumbers but are more interesting to look at.


Some of the varieties we mentioned in the video:

The metal trellis we like to use is one from Gardener’s Supply. It separates into segments so you can make it as wide as you need it to be, or break it into 2 or 3 trellises for smaller raised beds.

Purple shelling peas are just starting to appear.

Try growing a more diverse population of crops on your trellises. You’ll reap the benefits of these trellis tricks and the harvest will be more colorful and delicious.

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