Our latest video, Seed Saving Laws Clarified, answers the question “Can I save seeds at home?” With a recent viral video on Instagram, a lot of folks commented that it’s illegal to save seeds, that the government is coming for our seeds, and other such statements.
Christy breaksdown the PVP Act (1930s) and PVPA Act (1970s) to clarify what is and isn’t legal for you to save at home. Watch this easy-to-absorb lesson on seed laws and start saving seeds now (or keep saving seeds).
Seed Saving Laws Clarified – Can You Save Seeds At Home?
Subscribe to our Gardenerd YouTube channel and learn more about seed saving, growing from seed and more. Consider becoming a Patreon Subscriber to support a continuous stream of great content like this. Patreon subscribers get behind the scenes goodies, and monthly hangouts with Christy.

Learn to save seeds with the book mentioned in the video – The Seed Garden by the folks at Seed Savers Exchange (we make a few cents if you use that link).
Watch our video on seed storage to keep your seeds viable longer
Start small with easy seeds to save. This video shows you how.
Find articles on how to save seed from specific veggies here.

Bottom line: know your laws and save your seeds. Don’t let conspiracy theories keep you from growing and saving your own seed. You’ve got this.
I do grow and drop.