If you plan to grow blackberries, raspberries, boysenberries and the like, there are two things to know before you plant these cane berries. Our latest YouTube video helps you decide on a location, and how to keep these plants in check.
Learn from Christy’s mistakes! Watch the video and learn what the 2 most important things are to tackle before installing your cane berry plants.
2 Things to Know Before Planting Cane Berries
Subscribe to the Gardenerd YouTube channel for more great tips on growing fruits and vegetables in your garden. We’ll save you loads to trouble and time by helping you get it right the first time. Consider becoming a Patreon Subscriber to support the free stuff we do here at Gardenerd. Subscribers get access to monthly hangouts and expedited answers to your burning gardening questions.

Learn more about growing cane berries here
Watch our blackberry pruning video
Get Christy’s book on fruit gardening in small spaces (take 25% off with code nerdlove25 now through June 30, 2024)
Now is a great time to order cane berries online. We love the selection at Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply if your local nursery doesn’t have any in stock.
Plan before you plant, and take the time to strategize after watching our latest video. You won’t regret it and you’ll reap the benefits for years and years.