While many folks are shutting down their gardens for winter, we’re just getting started here at Gardenerd HQ. Here’s some inspiration for your fall garden, whether you’re growing in a warm-winter climate, or in a greenhouse/cold frame or indoors.
Out With the Old…
Pulling in the last of the winter squashes. We’re curing them in the sun for a few days before bringing them inside. These volunteer cherry tomatoes keep on giving long after the season is over. The leaves of pomegranate trees turn yellow at the end of production. Totally normal, and I think we should celebrate them as part of fall’s color extravaganza.
In With the New – Just Getting Started!
Our navel oranges are starting to turn color. They’ll be ripe in December. These kohlrabi and cabbage plants are destined for our community garden plot. Sprouts for radishes and other root veggies are popping up. Soon we’ll thin these to one per space. (Watch for a video reel on that soon).Broccoli and Romanesco freshly planted under cages. We have to close the gap under the cage in one spot with a brick. Strawberry shrub (arbitus unedo) is forming flowers like little lanterns. These will turn into edible “strawberry” pods that can be made into jam.Our yellow rose always blooms again in October / November. It keeps the bees coming home for that sweet smell. Kale is tucked in under floating row cover to keep it safe as it grows. We hope to be harvesting by Thanksgiving. Mittens lounges on the front porch after rolling in the dirt. She’s really a dog on the inside.
I just noticed that yellow is a them in most of these photos. Yellow means sunshine, leaf color changes, sweetness to come and so much more. If you can’t get your hands in the dirt this fall, just wait, seed catalogs are headed your way soon. Before you know it, it will be time to plan for spring. Oh, and we’re planning a new online course that will help you with that process. Stay tuned!